
這是Michael Jackson 第一張得到全美冠軍的單曲唱片,
曲子裡講的就是當全世界都背棄Ben時,還有堅定不移的友情在旁邊支持他!據說,“天真可愛“的劇組工作人員在尋找主題曲時,並未聽過這首歌,但是當他們聽到Michael Jackson那像天使般的童稚聲音唱著這首曲子時,一時驚為天籟,當下立刻決定用這條歌作為主題曲!

這張單曲發表於1972年,Michael Jackson 當年十四歲!還未變聲!


Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you my friend will see
You've got a friend in me
(You've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there
(Here and there)
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go
(You've got a place to go)

I used to say, "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
(I used to say, "I" and "me")
(Now it's "us", now it's "we")

Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(A friend)
Like Ben
(Like Ben)
Like Ben

這是那首Ben的試聽版 , 請往下捲到Listen to Samples 就可以找到了!
那是Michael Jackson 十四歲的聲音!

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